Effects of institutionalisation

  • Created by: JSetters
  • Created on: 03-05-18 17:24

Romanian orphan studies

AO1: Rutter et al studied 165 Romanian orphans and had their physical, cognitive, social development tested at regular intervals. Compared to a control group of 52 British children adopted before 6 months. They found at 11, those adopted before 6 months showed good recovery, older adoptions associated with disinhibited attachment.  Le Mare et al- Romanians physically smaller at adoption but recovered at 10 1/2. Zeanah et al found institutionalised Romanians compared to control group were more likely to display disinhibited attachment. 

Effects of institutionalisation: Physical undervelopment ( Gardner), Intellectual underfunctioning (Skodaka&Skeels), disinhibited attachment, poor parenting (Harlow, Quinton et al)

AO3: ID- some may have received special attention i.e. smile more so they would have some early attachment experience. It is possible to recover after sensitive period. Some children aren't as strongly affected. Bowlby et al showed there were individual differences in the way people cope

RLA- It's helped improve the lives of people in institutional care. Bowlby and Robertson changed how children were looked after so more focus was given to them while hospitalised. Shows importance of early adoption, Singer et al showed this as if babies are adopted within the first week, adoptive mothers and children are jsut as securely attached as non adoptive.

LS- Followed the lives of the children over many years. Even though they take a lot of planning and time, the benefits are worth it. Without them, we may mistakenly conclude there are major effects due to early institutional care whereas some studies show these effects may disappear after sufficient care and time.

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