Context of AC3: Liberation

  • Created by: holly6901
  • Created on: 01-01-20 10:59

Economic context

  • Videogames are very competitive across  platforms and producers
  • PS Vita is part of the 8th generation of gaming technology
  • It was released to compete with the new 3DS
  • The game was originally exclusive to PS Vita
  • In a further marketing strategy in 2014, they released a modified HD version across a range of consoles to expand the audience and greater ensure economic success
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  • The USP of creating the game for a handheld device is it offers an immersive experience for the gamer
  • This suggests the target audience is the 'on the go' gamer
  • The release on the PS3 and Xbox suggests the need to broaden the reach to encompass the more traditional gamer
  • The inclusion of a female, mixed-race protagonist is an unusual decision for the franchise
  • This may be to address the rise in female gamers who could want a female  role-play experience
  • Feedback can be seen on Amazon by female gamers about their positive experience
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Social and cultural context

  • The inclusion of a female protagonist reflects a cultural movement in the industry to address changes in society and the gaming world
  • Gender issues are a subject of debate in the gaming industry
  • Most of the main protagonists in best-selling games tend to be male
  • Where a female character appears, this tends to be in games for younger children
  • Game creators have been criticised for adhering to outdated stereotypes
  • Females have a tendency to be under or misrepresented in games
  • There is also an assumption in the industry that girls don't play videogames
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Social and cultural context

  • The inclusion of a female protagonist reflects a cultural movement in the industry to address changes in society and the gaming world
  • Gender issues are a subject of debate in the gaming industry
  • Most of the main protagonists in best-selling games tend to be male
  • Where a female character appears, this tends to be in games for younger children
  • Game creators have been criticised for adhering to outdated stereotypes
  • Females have a tendency to be under or misrepresented in games
  • There is also an assumption in the industry that girls don't play videogames
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Bandura: Media representation of transgressive behaviour can lead audience members to imitate this

  • Videogames are regularly criticised for the assumed effect of over-exposure may have upon young people's behaviour
  • Some of this criticism stems from the difficulties of regulation in this industry
  • The player is much more involved with videogames
  • This can make it harder to distance yourself from the violence
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