Civil Rights Campaigns


Brown Case, 1954


  • Great for NAACP legal team, overtunred PLESSY v FERGUSON 
  • However, no date was set 
  • BROWN II, all deliberate speed, still no date 
  • White Citizens Council formed to stand against intergration 
  • 70% of schools were desegragated in Washington and border states within the year 
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Emmett Till and Autherine Lucy


  • Emmett Till shows by 1955, African Americans still cant get justice 
  • Encourged Civil Rights activists
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Montgomery Bus Boycott


  • Demonstrated the power of a whole black community using direct but nonviolent action 
  • Increased black unity 
  • Shows the NAACP methods were working, through the law courts
  • Inspired more northern support and more coperation between Northern and Southern blacks
  • Apart from the buses, Montgomery remained segragated 
  • Boosted morale 
  • Inspired bus boycotts in 20 other states
  • Helped establish SCLC
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Little Rock, 1957


  • Blacks realised they need to do more than rely on court descions 
  • Showed many schools were closed rather than intergrated 
  • 1964, 2-3%of black children attended a desegragated school
  • Drew national television 
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Montgomery Bus Boycott


  • Demonstrated the power of a whole black community using direct but nonviolent action 
  • Increased black unity 
  • Shows the NAACP methods were working, through the law courts
  • Inspired more northern support and more coperation between Northern and Southern blacks
  • Apart from the buses, Montgomery remained segragated 
  • Boosted morale 
  • Inspired bus boycotts in 20 other states
  • Helped establish SCLC
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Greensboro Sitins, 1960


  • Many lunch counters were desegragated
  • 150 cities soon desegragated public places
  • Spread of ideas
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Freedom Rides, 1961


  • Organisation work together, CORE, SNCC, SCLC
  • Bobby Kennedy enforced rulings on interstate travel 
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Albany, 1961-2


  • Black people were less scared of *********** 
  • 'Jail not bail' strategy 
  • Gained national attention 
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Birmingham, 1963


  • First time King had led the movement 
  • Showed the success of non violence 
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March on Washington, 1963


  • First major callaboration of civil rights leaders 
  • National coverage 
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Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1961, 64


  • Established freedom schools, helping blacks to vote 
  • Freedom Vote 
  • SNCC became more militant 
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Selma, 1965


  • No voting act without Selma 
  • Black divisions worsened
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Chicago, 1966


  • SCLC got a federal grant of $4 million to improve housing in Chicago 
  • Most blacks remained stranded in ghettos 
  • Blacks were seen as troublemakers 
  • King was seen to have made the situation worse 
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