Biology Science Test

  • Created by: memlla
  • Created on: 30-09-12 15:40

Revision card 1

Obesity - Leads to heart disease

Becoming overweight or obese is the result of eating more calories than needed and/or undertaking too little physical activity to match calorie intake

Underweight - Always ill

There are people who are just thinner than normal most of their life and are healthy that way. But for other people, underweight may be indicative of health problems.

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Revision card 2

Ignas Semmelweis:

Doctor in the 1960's noticed women died from 'child bed fever' after giving birth. He realised that the medical students didn't wash their hands between dissecting dead bodies and delivering babies. Semmelweis got them to wash their hands and less women died. People had problems accepting his ideas.

Spread of disease: Droplet, Direct Contact (sex), Food and Drink and breaks in your skin

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Revision card 3

Prevention of microbes getting into your body:


-Scabs - from blood clotting

-Breathing system -> mucus traps

-Microbes cilia (hairs) waft it away

-Stomach acids

-Tears (antiseptec)

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Revision card 4

Roles of white blood cells:

(How they fight disease)

-Some take in the pathogen (ingestion) 

-Some produce antibodies

-Some produce antitoxins

Antibiotics: Kill bacteria

They damage the bacterial cell.

Problems: We can become immune to certain anibodies

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Revision card 4 (cont.)

Antobiotics resistance:

Antibiotics resistance is a result at natural selection (mutations that happen to change features in an individual) 

We must not overuse antibiotics

New strains of disease which spread rapidly are called epidemics and pandemics

Epidemics - Flu in 1 country

Pandemics - In several countries.

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Revision card 5

Your white blood cells produce antibodies to destroy the pathogens. Then your body will respond rapidly to to future infection by the same pathogen, by making the correct antibody. You become immune to the disease.

You can be immunised against a disease by introducing small amounts of dead or inactive pathogens into your body.

We can use vaccinations to protect against both bacteria and viral pathogens.

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Revision card 6


Small amounts of dead/inactive bacteria or virus put into your body via infection the bacteria/virus. Antigon/simulates your white blood cells to make specific antibodies to destroy the bacteria/virus. (Without you getting the disease). You are immune to future infection by the bacteria/virus as your white blood cells 'remember' it and quickly make antibodies.

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