B7- Movement and exercise

  • Created by: chloe
  • Created on: 03-04-13 16:09

What is a vertibrate?

  • vertibrates are any living organism with a backbone
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How are vertibrates put into groups depending on t

  • How the animal takes in oxygen (lungs, gills, or through the skin)
  • Thermoregulation- maintains own temperature (homeotherms) or their temperature varies with their surroundings (poikilotherm)
  • Reproduction- Internal or external fertisation. Lay eggs (ouiporous) or give birth to live young (viviparous)
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What are the different groups of vertebrates?

  • Fish
  • Amphibian
  • Reptile
  • Bird
  • Mamual
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How do antagonistic pairs work? Give examples.

  • An antagonistic pair of muscles create movment when one (the prime mover) contracts and the other (the antagonist) relaxes.
  • E.g. Quadriecps and hamstrings in the leg and Biceps and triceps in the arm
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Recall the strucutre of a joint and what the compo

  • Ligament- joins bone to bone and stablises the joint
  • Tendon- joins muscle to bone in order to enable movement
  • Cartilage- redues friction, acts as a shock absorber and is a smooth protective surface
  • Synovial Fluid (produced by the synovial membrane) - lubricates the joint
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Describe: Abduction, adduction, extention, Flexion

  • Abduction is the movment away from the mid-line of the body
  • Adduction is the movment towards the mid-line of the body
  • Extention is the straightening of the limbs at the joint
  • Flexion is the bending of the limbs at a joint
  • Rotation is a circlar movement around a fixed joint
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Factors surronding fitness

  • Raising heart rate
  • Tones the body and stregthens the muscles
  • Lung capacity increases
  • strengthens the diaphragm and incostal muscles
  • Decreases the risk of of certain diseases
  • Strengthens bone density
  • Muscles around the heart become stonger
  • Linked to the cardiovascular system: heart ,lungs, blood vessels
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History that needs to be disclosed before excerise

  • Illness- Depending on the illness is will impact on the type of excerise and the duration
  • Injures- To prevent further injury and then they can taylor a program to fit your needs
  • Smoker- Links in with the cardiovascular system. Damage could be done.
  • Family medical history- Underlying problems such as heart conditions
  • Diet- They need to know so diet can be improved and altered to fit in with the exercise regime.
  • BMI- Links into obesity. Meaning targets can be made to lose wieght
  • Blood pressure and heart rate- This is known as a baseline test to see what improvements could be made
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  • A Par-Q is a form of physical examination. The Par-Q tests a persons physical rediness to begin a new work our routine.
  • Common questions focas on- age, how active you are, heart deseases, chlorestol levels, if you have diabeties, if you have high blood pressure and if you are perscribbed drugs for any reason.
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What is the equation for BMI?

  • BMI= body mass (kg) / [height(m)]2
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How do sprains occur and what are the symtoms?

  • Usally occurs when you over strech your liagment by twisting your ankle or knee
  • Symptoms include- Redness and swelling, bruising, difficulty walking, throbbing and cramping pains
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Describe RICE

  • Rest- keep wieght of the injury and immobileize the joint
  • Ice- reduce swelling and slow down the flow of blood to the injured area. This avoids damaging the tissue. Ice should be applied indrectly using a tea towel.
  • Compression- involves wrapping a bandage around the injury to reduce swelling. Bandage should be 'snug' not tight
  • Elevation- means raising the injured area. This reduces swelling by helping to keep excess fluid away from the damaged area
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What is a physiotherapist?

  • Treat a wide range of muscle and ligment injures using physical theropy, massage and manipulation. The patients could have suffered from heart attacks, strokes and people with injurees or disabilities.
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