America - Problems and Challenges


  • Created by: Tom Allen
  • Created on: 07-06-10 19:01

Religious Problems

Religious People in the rural parts concerned about the social attitudes changing in the main cities

In the South and Midwest (Bible-Belt) where church attendance was high there were the FUNDAMENTALISTS

They cause alows to be passed to stop things such as

  • Indecent bathing costumes
  • Petting
  • Contraceptive Advice
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The Monkey Trial

Dawin's Theory - Banned in 6 Southern States

JOHN SCOOPES taught it to one of his classes

  • Got caught - July 1935
  • Taken to court
  • Found guilt
  • Fined $100

However people started to realise that there could be more ways


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People moved North to get away from the KKK (5 Million Members in 1924)

KKK - WASPs - White Anglo Saxons Protestants - Hates blacks

They stired up hatred for blacks, Jews, Catholics and immigrants

Members swore an oath of loyalty to America.

Various intimidating methods such

  • Marches
  • Secret Meetings
  • Costumes to hide their identity
  • Burning crosses outside people's houses
  • Violence
  • Murder

Lynching becvane common - Hanging people - 135 of them between 1924/25 in Georgia

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Black Experience in the 1920s

Mainly in Southern States

Seperate Facilities

Blacks technically could vote however it was made sure they didn't

  • Introducing a Poll Tax (They couldn't get jobs hense could not pay to vote)
  • Literacy Tests (They hadn't had an education as they had been slaves)

Had lowest standard of educatrion and paid jobs.

Many worked as sharecroppers (Where they were paid once they had harvested)


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National Association of Advancement of Colored People

Set up bu WEDDuBois which aimed to abolish segregation, achieving real equal voting rights and education opportunites for blacks.

Encouraged Black people to fight back - However many were afraid to do so as they were intimidated by the white people.

The NAACP used the courts to challenge incidents - and when Civil Rights were abused

Political parties started to recognise the importance of the votes of black people (esp. in North)

Roosevelt set up the 'Black Cabinet' to deal with Racial Issues

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NUIA (Universal ***** Improvement Association)

Led by Marcus Garvey

Wanted blacks to be proud and move back to Africa to create a new powerful black nation

Set up the Black Star Shopping Line - Took people home

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Why was it banned?

  • Religious people against it
  • Blamed for crime - The Anti-Saloon League
  • Many brewers were German
  • Politicans wanted a dry America

Why did it fail?

  • Too difficult to enfore - Poorly paid, too liitle and corrupt
  • Lack of Public Support - Speakeasies, moonshine (homemade alcohol)
  • The growth of organised crime
  • Corruption

Al Capone - A massive gangster who sold alcohol. Rich from it. Organised crime to get him richer. Paid local people to ignore the problems

St Valntines Day Massacre 1929 - 7 members of a gang killed by anothers. People pleaded to stop Prohibition

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Red Scare

People were worried that Communism was taking over

Palmer set out to round up anyone who followed Communism - The Palma Raids

1920 - 4000 - 6000 suspected were arrested. Many were not guilty

Some used it as an excuse to beat up Catholics, Jews, Blacks or New Immigrants

Sacco and Vanzetti

People thought they were for Communism - anarchisits (hated capitalism)

Put on trial for the murder of a security guard.

Evidence was weak but the judge was baised and found them guilty

Killed in 1927 by the electric chair

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Open door - Stricter

1920 - 3% OF 1910

1924 - 2% of 1890 - Benefited Northern Europe

1929 - 150,000 per year - No asians permitted, Northern and Western Europeanss were given 85%

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sally wigford


needs more information

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