4th Century Sculpture


Eirene and Ploutos


By Kephisodotos

Marble copy of original

Two people in the same statue, no archaic features

Eierne (goddess of Peace) with baby Ploutos (wealth) 

Peace cradles weath Made after Sparta and Athens had come to peace

Folds in drapery realistic and reactive

Baby Ploutos looks more like a shrunken man than a baby - head is also too small proportionally

Gaze into each others eyes, gives the feeling of a connection between them

Illusionary transparence on left leg of Eierene. Catanaries by her breasts. 


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Hermes and Dionysus by Praxiteles


2.1m tall

Parian Marble

Hermes holding his younger brother Dionysus

Stands in an S curve (Praxiteles canon)

Head in better proportion than previous statues


Muscles are moulded and held in dynamic equilibrium, they react to the position the body is in

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Aphrodite of Knidos by Praxiteles


1.52m tall

First statue to depict a fully naked female

Representes the Greek pereception of beuaty as it is the goddess Aphrodite

In pudica pose (covering privates) but breasts exposed. Retains innocence and dignity


Head tilts to the left

In the process of ********** in order to bathe

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Raging Maenad by Skopas


Parian marble

18inches tall

Introduced emotions

The chiton drapery contrats with the violent movement of the body

Chiton tied with a neat bow

Body suggests a struggle - head twisted back, lips parted, eyes deep set, back arche, torso twisted, hair falls behind the twisted neck

Illusionary transparency used with very thin drapery and mortionlines 

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Apoxyomenos by Lysippos


An athlete after exercise. 

Depecits the perfects form in a realistic situation,

Using a stygil to scrape sweat and oil off after exersise 

'The scraper'

Originally in bronze

Stands contrapposto 

Small head but still in proportion 

Long thin limbs.

Moulded muscles

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