

Symptomsinclude unbearable sadness and loss of pleasure in activities for 2 weeks, plus sleep problems, slowed, lack of energy, can’t concentrate, feeling worthless/guilt, suicidal thoughts. Major depression (unipolar) can be based on a single or a recurrent episiode and subtypes include atypical depression (reactive), melancholic (loss of pleasure), postpartum (i.e. after birth), and seasonal affective disorder (winter depression).   Requires 5 symptoms. Non-major depressionincludes dysthymia (low daily mood for long period), and brief recurrent (episodes < 2 weeks). Requires 2-4 symptoms.

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Bipolar Disorder (formerly known as manic depressi

Manic symptoms include elevated, expansive or irritable mood, inflated self-esteem, decreased sleep need, speech pressure, racing thoughts, distractible, and risk-taking (Mansell & Pedley, 2008).  Hypomanic: briefer, not psychotic, less impairment. Bipolar I involves one or more manic episodes with or without a major depressive episode.  Typical year 32% weeks depressed, 9% weeks manic/hypomanic. Bipolar II involves hypomanic and depressive episodes. Typical year 50% weeks depressed, 1% weeks hypomanic. Cyclothymiainvolves hypomanic episodes and sub-depressive episodes

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