Violence is always wrong


Violence is always wrong


  • Jesus said,' all who live by sword, die by sword'
  • Jesus said,' Love thy neighbour as you love yourself '
  • Jesus said,'Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you'
  • MLK said,' Meet hate with love'
  • Violence sets bad examples and causes regret
  • Violence breaks the law. Jesus said,' Give Ceaser what is Caeser and to God what is God', don't break God's law and the laws of the land.


  • Jesus overturned tables in the Temple Court to show how serious he was about the temple, God's house of prayer, was being violated.
  • Violence may bring more attention e.g. in 2007 Greenpeace caused 30,000 pounds worth of damage to bring public's attention about danger of power stations.
  • Bonhoeffer started of as a pacifist who came to believe that some evil can only be overcome by violence i.e.. involvement to kill Hitler.
  • Nelson Mandela came to see a need of violence against the South African government in the struggle to overcome apartheid - the segregation and persecution of blacks in South Africa.


In my opinion I think that violence should only be used when it is your last option to protest against something that you really care about and think is right for the rest of society. This refers to Bonhoeffer theory of some evil can only be overcome by violence.


Nischal Bhandari


Violence, in most of the cases is wrong because violence is usually against social, religious, political and philosophical norms and values. And violence can never be the ultimate solution of anything.  After World War II, UNO is established to restore peace and security and similar case with WWI. And it is sure that violence leads to ruin ownself like Adolf Hitler.