Why Christians are against bullying

  • Created by: sof98
  • Created on: 25-02-15 19:04
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  • Why Christian are against bullying
    • Christianity regards using violence without a just cause as sinful, and bullying always involves using violence (physical or verbal) which in unjustified and so is sinful.
    • Christianity teaches that human beings are a creation of God made in God's image.
      • Bullying is mistreating God's creation and so is wrong.
    • Christianity teaches that it is the duty of Christians to protect the weak.
      • Bullying is the opposite of this as bullies attack and exploit the weak and innocent, so bullying must be wrong.
    • Jesus  taught in the Parable of Sheep and the Goats that Christians should treat anyone in trouble as if they were Jesus.
      • No Christian would bully Jesus and so they should not bully anyone.
    • In a democracy, every person has human rights, including the right to be able to live free from fear.
      • All Christian Churches teach that Christians should protect human rights so they should not bully because bullying denies that right
    • Bullying has harmful effects on society. The victims are likely to be prevented from achieving the carrers, and therefore the contrubution to society, they are capable of.
      • The bullies are likely to go on bullying and preventing even more people making their contribution to society.
        • Christians should always try to make society better.
  • The bullies are likely to go on bullying and preventing even more people making their contribution to society.
    • Christians should always try to make society better.


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