To what extent were Alexander II's reforms successful?

  • Created by: sarah042
  • Created on: 20-10-15 20:31



  • Aimed to strengthen the tsarist regime by emancipating the serfs, modernising the army and improving the judicial system,
  • Attempted to move Russia forward e.g. emancipation of the serfs freed the peasants from slavery despite the problems it caused
  • No violence or civil war was created during the reforms
  • Judicial reforms meant a more equal and fairer justice service
  • The army became greater and more professional the length of conscription was shortened and command improved
  • Zemstva improved the lively hood of those in the peasant commune. It provided health services, education and a chance to contribute to the way things were being run
  • Greater freedom of speech
  • Number of schools increased


  • Many of the reforms weakened his regime it allowed the people of Russia to gain independence in the way they acted and thought which would challenge his authority as they would begin to question the autocracy.
  • Peasants didn't get the freedom they expected instead they ended up being tied down to the mir with huge debts to pay
  • The reforms failed to provide any agricultural or industrial growth
  • Judical reforms had to many loop holes, ie. special courts outside the system
  • Peasants were also not included in the main judicial system
  • Zemstva was not the success it could've been it was overpowered by the nobility
  • Tsar didn't decide to have a national representative assembly where reforms could have been discussed with the public ultimately showing the tsar still wanted to maintain a firm grasp of autocracy
  • Led to the formation of revolutionary groups


Overall the reforms allowed the birth of revolutionary groups and the leeway for the intelligentsia to critise the Tsar's decisions. Ultimately these reforms led to Alexander II assassination in 1881




Thanks :)



Thanks a bunch :D <3