The Jarrow March


The Jarrow March


  • The Jarrow petition was presented in the house of commons.
  • The men returned to Jarrow as hero's.
  • The petition asked the government to provide work for the town 'without delay'
  • The police praised the Jarrow Marchers for being well-organised and disciplined.
  • The marchers were given a lot of support by the public during the actual march.
  • The non-violent march improved the public image of hunger marchers.


  • The march and petition did nothing to stir the government into action.
  • The Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin ignored the Jarrow marcher's petition.


In my opinion, i think that the Jarrow march didn't achieve a lot, although it made the Jarrow marchers look like hero's as they were fighting for rights. The limitations exceeded the advantages of the Jarrow march and the marchers petition was ignored by the Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin, therefore they people of Jarrow achieved nothing.


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