The Impact of the depression

  • Created by: Aislinn
  • Created on: 29-03-13 11:09
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  • The Impact of the Depression
    • Background
      • Depression- The period after the the wall street crash (USA) when the world economies were all in trouble and there was a lot of hardship/ unemployment
      • Hunger marches- The name given to various marches organised by the National Unemployment Workers Movement (NUWM) in the 1930s hoping to be given work
      • Benefits- payments made by people from a  National Insurance scheme they have paid into while working. In 1918 the goveremtn set up 'the dole', which paid a small amount of benefit.
    • Unemployment
      • Unemployment in the 1930s was highest in the coal, iron and steel, cotton and shipbuilding industries
      • Unemployment wasn't evenly spread- affected the North and east of england and scotland/ wales
      • Labour in power in 1929- huge cuts had to be made as they were in debt. Passed laws to help the unemployed, areas benefited- south wales, tyneside, cumberland and south scotland not lancashire
      • Experience of unemployment was the same for everyone- never had enough money, had to sign for employment exchange each week and doles were introduced if the family had any savings or anyone was earning a penny
    • Jarrow Crusade
      • Jarrow- tyneside (special area), money given was too little. 1936 govement debates about more funding
        • Situaation in Jarrow- All worked in palmers shipyard (closed in 1936) 1935- 64% unemployed, 1936 situation worsened, many starved
          • Impact- Marchers arrived in London 31st October. Marchers benefits stopped on the march. The goverment accepted the petition, but didn't debate it. Several marchers were offered work but had to leave jarrow and Sir John Javis- MP took interest
      • March- Jarrow didn't support NUWM wanted own march. The bishop of Durham blessed the march. Used black and white cloth not red. Marchers covered 291 miles in 22 stages. Organised meeting en route. Reaction across the country varied. took a petition of 1000 signatures asking the goverment to provide work
        • Impact- Marchers arrived in London 31st October. Marchers benefits stopped on the march. The goverment accepted the petition, but didn't debate it. Several marchers were offered work but had to leave jarrow and Sir John Javis- MP took interest
  • Benefits- payments made by people from a  National Insurance scheme they have paid into while working. In 1918 the goveremtn set up 'the dole', which paid a small amount of benefit.


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