The debate of Fox Hunting

  • Created by: Ginger18
  • Created on: 12-11-19 20:22

The debate of Fox Hunting


  • Foxes are pests (they kill indiscriminately),and hunting controls their numbers, whilst protecting lambs and chickens
  • Natural way of conserving the countryside
  • They are killed swiftly and not in agony, unlike traps
  • As it is a traditional sport, many could lose their jobs and packs of hounds would have to be destroyed
  • Every year 15-20 foxes are killed by hunting; more than 100,000 are killed on the road
  • They have a sporting chance of survival when hunted
  • Nobody has the right to ban a sport


  • It is a blood sport
  • Foxes kill rabbits who damage crops, saving a crop farmer roughly £900 a year
  • Wildlife is damaged when ridden through by hunts
  • More lambs die from starvation than those killed by foxes
  • It is claimed some hunts manipulate fox numbers to ensure there are foxes to hunt
  • Drag hunting (using a scent laid by humans for hounds to follow) could be used instead
  • Foxes have no natural predator, and when one fox is killed another will take its place


This debate lead to a government inquiry in 1999. This did not categorically state whether it should be banned in he UK. The government introduced an "options bill", where both Houses of Parliament debated whether the sport should be self-regulated, liscened or banned.The Hunting Act of November 2004 banned hunting in England and Wales with dogs, but the controversy still rages and people continue to flaunt the law, even though hunts claim they follow artificially laid trails.




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