That FaceHugh

  • Created by: AJ Bryce
  • Created on: 05-07-20 17:33


All About Hugh

  • Confident
  • Selfish
  • Cold hearted
  • Professional
  • Stubborn
  • Awkward
  • Impatient
  • Emotionally guarded
  • Apathetic
  • Privileged
  • Perfectionist
  • Hugh is a broker
  • He divorced Martha and moved to Hong Kong where he remarried and had another child
  • He is rich and businessman-like
  • He wants to sort out the problems with Mia's school and Martha as quickly as possible and leave
  • He doesn't keep in touch with Martha, Mia or Henry very often
  • He uses his money to solve problems
  • He cares about his appearances and how he is perceived in public
  • He owns a flat on Canary Wharf but doesn't visit often

Important parts in scenes


  • Scene 7 - His first appearance, he meets up with Mia at a restaurant, he tells her he has managed to sort out things with the school and payed for new cameras. It is clear he is just trying to get information about Martha from Mia so he can solve the problem as quickly as possible and leave.
  • Scene 8 - He arrives and tries to get Martha to go to a clinic as quickly and quietly as possible but arguments break out over Henry dropping out of school, Martha's possessiveness over Henry and neglect of Mia, and Hugh's disregard for the family. Eventually, Martha agrees to go to the clinic.
  • Scene 7 - "Tomorrow. I want to avoid a scene"
  • Scene 7 - "Mia, if you don't explain the situation I won't be able to solve it"
  • Scene 7 - "There are people you can pay to ensure that. Takes the pressure off"
  • Scene 8 - "This place is a mess" / "This place is filthy" / "Here? In this fetid bedroom?"
  • Scene 8 - " IT IS NOT F**KING FUNNY"
  • Scene 8 - "I had to go around to that school and beg them to the point of blackmail to keep her there. They tell me she never stays here, that there isn't enough room-"
  • Scene 8 - "Martha. I'm taking you to the clinic. if you won't go voluntarily, I'll... you know what I can do."
  • Scene 8 - "I have flown halfway across the world to help you sort out this... Do you think this is my idea of a splendid morning? I thought you were at school. I thought you were better than this." / "I know you're angry with me. I know I haven't been perfect. I know that. But right now I am trying to get this resolved. This is why I wanted you to go away to school. This is why. But you didn't want to. I should have made you. Look at you... Christ"


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