Reasons for Cromwell's Fall


Reasons for Cromwell's Fall


  • Henry marries Anne of Cleeves - the marriage would counteract the threat of a Catholic Crusade by Francis I of france.
  • Duke of Norfolk (acting as Henry's envoy) started discussions with the Franch King on whether he would break the peace establishment with the emporer of Nice. 1540 renewal of the Hapsburg-Conflict seemed certain.
  • Introduction of Catherine Howard to Henry.


  • Very unsuccesful as Henry refused to consummate the marriage and there was now not going to be a Catholic Crusade - unnecessary marriage.
  • The removal of Cromwell from office would enhance Henry's chances of reaching an accord with Francis I
  • Soon caught the eye of the King and wanted to quickly end his marriage with Anne so he could marry Catherine.

Overall summary

The plotting by those around Henry intensified over the last three years of his reign. This period was dominated by factional struggle and it had a significant impact on the gvernment and how much the King could use his authority. A.G.R Smith's conclusion was that Henry was 'at best only in partcial control of the court intrigues'


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