Martin Luther King and Malcolm X

Personality and upbringing similarities and differences on Martin Luther King and Malcolm X 


Martin Luther King and Malcolm X


  • Both used Media to bring attention to black living and they way they are treated
  • Wanted to improve lives of black americans
  • Both assassinated
  • Eventually after a trip to Mecca where MX met other Muslims some who were even white that he called 'brothers' MX wanted to fight for equality, as did king


  • Malcolm X was muslim, MLK christian
  • MX used violence, MLK against violence
  • MX grew up in an underprivileged environment, MLK grew up in a better situation
  • MX wanted to blacks to have power and choice rather than whites, MLK wanted peace and equality for blacks
  • MX said MLK's dream was more of a nightmare
  • MX never portrayed equality but hatred, violence and racism
  • MLK was more peaceful and used the media in the correct way, he wanted equality
  • MLK was educated and went on to university, MX was self taught after the little schooling he did receive

Overall comparison

The similarities are minimal between MX and MLK as they are heavily out weighted by the differences. Malcolm X believed that by 'any means necessary' including violence, due to his upbringing and hard life, could make blacks equal. Martin Luther King believed that peace and non-violence was the way to achieve equality. MLK had a better up bringing and was very educated which showed in his manipulation in the media and in his protests. Soon after a trip to Mecca, part of the Muslim religion, Malcolm X saw that black and white people could get along and soon wanted equality as well as MLK.  


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