For and Against Women's Vote

  • Created by: Gem_22
  • Created on: 07-06-15 12:21

For and Against Women's Vote


  • For future generations
  • Bring equality
  • Have equal political rights
  • The vote is a way to get rid of other inequalities
  • The vote will improve men's morale and sexual behaviour towards them (as will be seen as equals)
  • It's happening in other countries (e.g. New Zealand and USA)
  • Women are capable of being involved in politics
  • There have been changes in women's roles
  • Voting is a 'right' to which women are entitled
  • Britain is not a true democracy until women have the vote


  • Women can't handle the information
  • Women can't have their own opinion
  • Women and men have 'separate spheres'
  • Most women do not want the vote
  • Women's role is in local affairs
  • Women are already represented by their husbands
  • It is dangerous to change a system that works
  • Women do no fight to defend their country



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