faith schools

  • Created by: Amber
  • Created on: 11-02-21 11:52

faith schools


  • avoids discrimination against minority religions
  • set up to nourish faith
  • Dawkins- religious literacy is part of cultural heritage, eg- can't study/understand Shakespeare without the Bible


  • there is separation between each denomination and religion therefore presenting inequality
  • 59% say school should be for everyone not just religions
  • 26% of primary schools are run by churches and have preference over pupiles, favouritism?
  • parents feel obligated to fake faith as children as discriminated
  • Board of British Jews state they have no remorse for parents who aren't practising religion
  • performance of faith schools isn't due to faith by the social level of parents
  • indoctrinating children too young to defend themselves
  • limited scientific understanding due to impact of religion



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