Ex-06: How successful were the policies of President Franklin D Roosevelt in bringing about economic recovery in the years 1933 to 1941? (24 Marks).


Ex-06: How successful were the policies of President Franklin D Roosevelt in bringing about economic recovery in the years 1933 to 1941? (24 Marks).


  • The banking system was rescued and strengthened (the Emergency Banking Act)
  • The major public works projects inspired by the ‘alphabet agencies’ created work for millions and useful assets such as roads, schools and hospitals (e.g. the PWA and WPA). The TVA was an impressive success
  • Homeowners and farmers were supported by mortgage repayments – work of the AAA, direct relief was provided by the FERA, NIRA and other federal projects helped the US to a partial recovery
  • Mobilisation of industry 1939–1941 was a great success. Roosevelt committed the USA to rapid rearmament and industry expanded to meet the needs of those fighting Germany. The USA became the ‘arsenal of democracy’
  • Unemployment was 24.9% of the working population in 1933; 17.2% in 1939 and 9.9% in 1941
  • ‘fireside chats’ and the appearance of government concern and action on behalf of ordinary people did much to raise morale and gave hope for millions.


  • Roosevelt did not really solve the key issues of unemployment and the recovery of industry and agriculture in the 1930s – production levels did not reach 1929 levels until 1941 and employment levels equalled 1929 in 1942. By comparison Germany was much more successful in reducing unemployment.
  • Policies in the 1930s failed to restore the spending confidence of the 1920s
  • some of the job creation schemes could be criticised for being limited and temporary (e.g. the CCC)
  • Though unemployment did fall and production rose 1933–1937, a second wave of depression began 1937–1939
  • Policies in the 1930s did little for the poorest such as farm labourers and unskilled workers – e.g. encouraging farmers to take land out of production created unemployment
  • The major external factor of WWII was the real reason for economic recovery.


take a balanced view of Roosevelt’s success in bringing about economic recovery in the 1930s and indicate both successes and failures. After 1939 the US economy expanded to meet the needs of war and Roosevelt could be credited with directing this policy effectively. Appreciate that despite the failures, it was Roosevelt who by his leadership led the USA out of depression. Possibly refer to opposition of the New Deal – this can be made relevant (e.g. opposition was evidence that Roosevelt had failed to win support for his policies) but should not be used on its own, it should be linked to the idea of failure.


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