Evaluation: Physical attractiveness


Evaluation: Physical attractiveness


  • Research support for halo effect
  • Palmer and Palmer (2012) found that found that physically attractive people were rated as more politically knowledgeable than un-attractive people. Halo effct continued despite participants knowing these 'smart' people had no expertise. The existence of the halo effect has been applied to a multitude of areas of everyday life and confirms that PA is an important factor in the initial formation of relationships.
  • Support for matching hypothesis
  • The original study (Walster) that attempted to confirm the hypothesis failed. However this could be because the measure the measure of attractiveness was not reliable. The raters only had a few seconds to judge attractiveness. Some support in it's narrow form as referring to PA only. Feingold (1988) carried out a meta- analysis of 17 studies and found a significant in the rating of attractiveness.


  • Individual differences
  • Towhey (1979) asked male and female participants how much they liked a person based on their picture and some biographical information. Participants completed a MACHO scale (designed to measure sexist attitudes and behaviours). Found that those who scored highly were more influenced by PA (men). Shows the effects of PA can be moderated by other factors and challenges the idea its a significant factor



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