
  • Created by: logden
  • Created on: 19-05-18 11:15



  • Volatile - When he finds out Christopher has continued investigating despite his clear wishes, says 'Jesus, Christopher, how stupid are you?'. When Christopher denies this, he says 'Don't give me that ********, you little ****.' and when Christopher becomes physical, Ed responds with violence
  • Determined - Won't 'take no for an answer' regarding Christopher doing his maths A-levels, seems to want to nurture Christopher's talents/ skills
  • Caring - Takes on all the day-to-day care for Christopher, as well as earning the money to sustain them
  • Detached - Talks in short sentences 'It is', 'Terrific', 'Does it?' - may not understand Christopher's rare interests or scared he will reveal the truth about Judy and Wellington
  • Talks to Christopher in a friendly, age appropriate way - 'What do you want for chow tonight?' - can talk to Christopher about practical things, struggles to discuss emotional things
  • Explores ideas about trust and honesty - Is it ever right to hide things from someone you love/ your child (e.g. to protect a relationship or someone from emotional turmoil)? What are the effects of lack of honesty on a relationship?
  • Communication difficulties - How can they effect relationships? Is it possible to overcome them? What are the effects of overcoming them (positive/ negative)?
  • Emotional difficulties - How can these present themselves (in Ed's case anger)? Are they brought on by something/ is there a catalyst for his emotional difficulties? How do these affect parenting? (Can these be overcome?)

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • Wants to become closer to Christopher and nurture relationship - 'He planted a vegetable patch in his garden. I helped him' -joint effort, takes time and hard work; 'You have to learn to trust me. And I don't care how long it takes [...] Let's call it a project. A project we have to do together' - Understands teamwork is needed to fix relationship, patient, 'project' is word Christopher would use (shows communication improving)


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