Dulce et decorum est

How many stanzas are there ?
1 of 11
What is the simile on the first line?
"like old beggars under sacks"
2 of 11
What is the alleration on line ?
"knocked knees"
3 of 11
What is the simile line two ?
"coughing like hangs"
4 of 11
Whats the assonace on line 5?
"men marched "
5 of 11
What is the metphor on line 6?
"drunk with fatigue"
6 of 11
What is the power of three on stanza two ?
7 of 11
"his hanging face lile....
"a devils sick on sin "
8 of 11
Who is the poem wrote by ?
Wilfred owen
9 of 11
What are some war semtic flieds ?
"helments" "wagon"
10 of 11
What is the secound to last line ?
"the old lie : ducle ed decroum est "
11 of 11

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Card 2


What is the simile on the first line?


"like old beggars under sacks"

Card 3


What is the alleration on line ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the simile line two ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Whats the assonace on line 5?


Preview of the front of card 5
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