Rebellion: Did the Rhys Ap Gruffud rebellion pose a real threat to Henry VIII?

Did the Rhys Ap  Gruffudd 'rebellion' pose a real threat to Henry VIII?

Advantages: Not a threat.

Disadvantages: A threat.


Did the Rhys Ap Gruffud rebellion pose a real threat to Henry VIII?


  • The whole 'rebellion' was contained. It didn't last long (June 1529 to June 1531) and not much happened.
  • It wasn't a real rebellion, there was no actual uprising against the crown.
  • Rhys Ap Gruffudd's trial was just to show an act of warning to the Welsh, just prior to the Act of Union.
  • This event was more of a personal rivalry between Rhys Ap Gruffudd and Ferrers rather than a rebellion against the Crown.
  • The skirmish in Camarthen was only serious enough to Warrant a censure from Wolsey in the Star Chamber.
  • There were a number of influential individuals (Henry VIII, Cromwell and Rowland Lee) who were prepared to put down rebellions and do whatever it took to achieve the divorce.
  • The fact that his grandfather's land was given to Ferrers in 1525 meant Rhys Ap Gruffudd did not have much power left.
  • Once Rhys Ap Gruffudd had been executed for treason there was no one left to to take up/lead his cause


  • Rhys Ap Gruffudd had illustrated he was capable of violence from his clash with Ferrers in Camarthen in 1529
  • Rhys Ap Gruffudd came from a long line of Welsh Nobles. His family was both powerful and influential.
  • Wales was considered to be the 'back door of England'. Thus, there was a threat of Rhys Ap Gruffudd and the Welsh helping Catholic countries invade England.
  • There were rumors that Rhys Ap Gruffudd was going to join with Scotland against the English.
  • Rhys Ap Gruffudd's wife raised several hundred supporters to help her husband. This showed that people were willing to follow Rhys.
  • The Welsh resented English authoritarianism and there was a history of disorder and lawlessness in Wales.
  • Rhys Ap Gruffudd's grandfather had helped Henry VII usurp the throne, therefore Rhys could help someone else usurp the throne.
  • Wales was strongly Catholic and opposed Henry VIII's divorce, Wales could have rebelled and united with Spain.
  • Rhys Ap Gruffudd was headstrong and ambitious  He was furious at the loss of his inheritance and was in a position to cause trouble over this.



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