Compare and contrast the biological and psychodynamic approach in terms of similarities and differences [12]

Compare and contrast the bioloigcal and psychodynamic approaches in terms of similarities and differences [12]


Compare and contrast the biological and psychodynamic approach in terms of similarities and differences [12]


  • Both focus on nature (Genes/innate instincts)
  • Both reductionist (explain behaviour in simple terms)
  • Both deterministic (no freewill - neurotransmitters/ innate forces)
  • They both have successful applications (Psychosurgery/dream analysis)


  • Psychodynamic also focuses on nurture (childhood experiences)
  • Psychodynamic is also holistic (uncover deep meanings)
  • Psychodynamic is not scientific and is unfalsifiable/ Biological is scientific (Mayberg et al, etc)
  • Psychodynamic uses case studies and clinical interviews/ Biological approach uses brain scans and twin studies (methodology)
  • Psychodynamic approach is Idiographic/ Biological is nomothetic.

Overall comparison


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