Advantages and disadvantages of Neville Chamberlain's appeasement


Advantages and disadvantages of Neville Chamberlain's appeasement


  • Hitler was standing up for communism which was good for Britain
  • Britain + France wanted to prevent war with Germany after the devastation caused in WW1
  • Britain wasn't ready to got to war
  • Britain + France were still suffering from the depression- they had large debts and huge unemployment figures
  • People thought the Treaty of Versailles was too harsh and that Germany would stop once it had been reversed
  • USA wouldn't stand up for Britain + her allies if they went into another war


  • Encouraged Hitler to take bigger risks
  • Germany was becoming more powerful than Britain and France
  • USSR thought this meant Britain + France were not standing up to Hitler which was bad as he planned to invade the USSR
  • Hitler wasn't trustworthy- went back on promises



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