Ads and Disads of Globalisation

  • Created by: fizz
  • Created on: 04-03-13 21:06

Ads and Disads of Globalisation


  • S/E: raises living standards (TNC's invest in developing economies)
  • S/E: transfer of technology (e.g. South Korea- SAMSUNG have learned to design/ sell products to foreign markets)
  • S/E: links with local firms boost Host Country economy
  • S/E: creates regular jobs in Host Country
  • P: political stability encouraged in Host Country
  • P: helped build bridges between nations
  • C: the exchange of knowledge about culture and tourism has stimulated native culture to stay alive
  • En: raises awareness of global issues- many TNCs establishing 'green credentials'


  • S/E: TNCs- tax avoidance in countries they operate in
  • S/E: growing Global Wealth divide
  • S/E: limited linkages, FDI doesn't always help LEDC's
  • S/E: TNCs may poll operations out of an LEDC is lower wages are available
  • S/E: destroys local/ national companies
  • S/E: outsourcing, exploitation of cheap/child labour
  • P: reliant economy in host country
  • En: degredation (e.g. poisonous gas emmited from pesticide plant in India, 1984)
  • responsible for large amounts of carbon emissions
  • LEDC's become 'dumping ground' for the West



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