World's Climate System

  • Created by: shahkrita
  • Created on: 18-10-18 10:23
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  • World's Climate System
    • It is made up of the: Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere, Cryosphere + The Crust
      • Atmosphere= Layer of gases surrounding the Earth
      • Hydrosphere= All the liquid in the world eg sea
      • Cryosphere= Continental glaciers + snow fields
      • Biosphere= Biomes and Ecosystems on Earth
      • Crust= Land Surface
    • The Greenhouse Effect
      • Radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a temperature above what it would be without its atmosphere.
      • •The Greenhouse Effect •Changes in surface reflectivity(components of the cryosphere are reflective, but they are decreasing= less radiation is reflected off Earth’s surface + is instead, being absorbed
    • Climate Change
      • Human Causes
        • •More fossil fuels burnt= more greenhouse gases= contribute to greenhouse effect •Deforestation= CO2 not absorbed •Decomposition of wastes in landfills= more methane= a more active greenhouse gas than CO2
      • Natural Causes
        • •The Greenhouse Effect •Changes in surface reflectivity(components of the cryosphere are reflective, but they are decreasing= less radiation is reflected off Earth’s surface + is instead, being absorbed
    • Impacts of Climate Change
      • Negative
        • •Sea Levels rise •Lack of snow= ski resorts have to close •Droughts and floods more common + intense •Increased demand for water in summer= pressure on water supplies •Tropical storms increase in magnitude •Diseases increase, eg malaria
      • Positive
        • •Warmer climate= energy consumption decrease •Longer growing season for agriculture •Holiday resorts •Frozen regions eg Canada could grow crops= lower costs for them/inflation •Accidents on roads due to icy conditions will be less
    • Dangers of Extreme Weather Events
      • •Can damage infrastructure, eg waste disposal services •Damage houses •Cause deaths •PTSD •Roads and motorways can be blocked= traffic •Food supplies short •Cause droughts •Expensive
    • Impact of tropical cyclones: Hurricane Katrina
      • Economic
        • •$300 billion of damage •Oil platforms were destroyed •Shops were looted •Fuel prices rose •Tourism decreased.
      • Social
        • •1,800 people died. •300,000 homes were destroyed.   •3 million people were left with no electricity. •People had to move out of the area.
      • Environmental
        • •The storm surge flooded large areas of the coast. •80% of New Orleans flooded as man-made levees, overwhelmed by extra water, broke. •Cotton and sugar cane crops were destroyed. •Delicate coastal habitats were destroyed. •Tornadoes were created.


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