Why are oceans important...?

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  • Why are oceans important...?
    • It supports and sustains our planet...
      • We're connected to the ocean with every breath and anything we drink...
      • Earth depends on the vitality of the ocean...
    • The oceans provide food and medicine...
      • Oceans don't only provide seafood, they also provide other ingredients that you might be surprised about...
      • They also provide many medicinal products which help fight things like cancer and arthritis...
    • Economy and Transportation
      • 76% of all US trade involves some type of marine transportation
      • The US Ocean Economy produces over 200 billion pounds...
        • Also, ocean dependent businesses employ about 3 million people...
    • Entertainment or Recreation...
      • The ocean provides us with so many fun things to do...
        • such as: fishing, boating, kayaking and whale watching...
    • Weather Control...
      • The surface layer of the ocean absorbs over half of the suns heat reaching earth...
      • The ocean distributes this heat around the world, which means it's important in determining the climates around the world...


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