Who was responsible for the North Korean invasion of South Korea in 1950?

  • Created by: jojo10834
  • Created on: 10-04-15 13:06
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  • Who was responsible for the North Korean invasion of South Korea in 1950?
    • Joseph Stalin
      • Expected China and North Korea to become allies
      • He believed that communist influence could be extended in East Asia, Without risking conflict between the two superpowers
      • The Soviet Union had successfully tested it’s first atomic bomb
        • Gaining nuclear parity with the USA Stalin believed that because of this it would prevent any conflict in Korea esclating to a nucleur war
        • Believed the USA would be deterred from launching a nucleur attack because the Soviet Union could now relate with their own weapon
          • Gaining nuclear parity with the USA Stalin believed that because of this it would prevent any conflict in Korea esclating to a nucleur war
    • Kim II-Sung
      • Determined to reunite Korea under communist rule and sought Stalin’s backing for invasion
      • In April 1950, he travelled to Moscow and persuaded Stalin to back the communist invasion of South Korea
      • Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
      • Worried that if Russian and US troops met in battle, the conflict would end up escalating into world war III
      • Stalin Believed this meant North Korea could invade South Korea without a response from the USA
        • Joseph Stalin
          • Expected China and North Korea to become allies
          • He believed that communist influence could be extended in East Asia, Without risking conflict between the two superpowers
          • The Soviet Union had successfully tested it’s first atomic bomb
            • Believed the USA would be deterred from launching a nucleur attack because the Soviet Union could now relate with their own weapon
      • Harry Truman
        • January 1950 Dean Acheson, US Secretary of State was not within the USA’s Pacific Defensive Perimeter
          • Stalin Believed this meant North Korea could invade South Korea without a response from the USA


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