Religious views on war and peace

ey religious views on War and Peace.

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  • War & Peace
    • Buddhist views
      • Against war
        • Principles of ahimsa (non-harming) say never to harm a living thing and war involves harming.
        • Principles of metta (loving) say to be kind and war is unkind.
        • All actions have consequences so violence brings back its consequence.
        • Many Buddhists are pacifists and refuse to fight.
      • For war
        • Idea that actions have consequences- those who choose war will get their consequences due to karma so it is their choice.
    • Islamic views
      • Against war
        • Islam is a religion of peace and war is not peaceful.
        • Forbidden to start a fight.
      • For war
        • Jihad: 'to struggle in the way of Allah'. Lesser Jihad is when Muslims fight to protect their religion and sometimes this is by war.
        • Muslims may only fight in self-defense but are forbidden to start a fight- so war may be seen as okay if it is to defend their religion.
    • Christian views
      • Against war
        • 6th Commandment: 'thou shall not kill' - war involves killing and taking sacred lives which are gifts from God (sanctity of life).
        • New testement: 'blessed are the peacemakers'- this implies that we should make peace rather than fight in war. Jesus was often described as a pacifist.
        • Golden Rule to love one another - to go to war is unkind and not loving.
      • For war
        • Old Testement: "eye for an eye, hand for hand, foot for foot". The words are intended to limit revenge, not encourage it, but are often used to justify war.
        • Just war: sometimes a war is for the greater good and is acceptable. It must be last resort and have a just reason as the cause to correct evil.
        • Conflict with authority: the Bible says to obey authority and sometimes there is consciption so we have to fight.


Miss KHP



Looks at war and peace from an Islamic, Christian and Buddhist point of view.


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