Peace and Conflict

  • Created by: flick2
  • Created on: 11-04-19 11:39
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  • Peace & Conflict
    • Causes of War
      • Religion
      • Self Defence
      • Tribalism
      • Honour
      • Greed
      • Retaliation
    • Forms of Violence
      • Crime
      • Protests
      • Terrorism
      • War
        • Just war
          • Chance of success
          • Declared by an elected authority
          • Last Resort
          • Good Reason
            • Self defence
            • Helping of innocents
          • Any harm must be less than it is preventing
          • Some christians accept Just war
            • Not morally right - not the worst option
            • War is the only way to find peace
      • Holy Wars
        • God is on their side
        • protect a religion
        • Keep land
        • Now rejected by Christians
    • Views on Pacifism
      • Christians follow teachings - peace is the ideal
        • Prince of Peace
        • love your enemies
        • blessed are the peacemakers
      • Don't meet violence with violence
        • "turn the other cheek"
        • He overturned the tables of the money changers
      • Christians who worked for peace
        • Dorothy Day
          • Catholic Activist
          • Protested against the Spanish Civil War
          • Opposed to any form of violence
        • Martin Luther King
          • peaceful marches and rallies
          • Black people were given equal voting rights
          • "You cannot defeat darkness with darkness-only light."
      • Jewish Stance of War
        • Universal Greeting "Shalom" - Peace
        • Unless it is essential
        • When the messiah comes - all weapons will vanish
        • "defend the fatherless and the oppressed"
        • Non violent protests are encouraged to bring change
    • Weapons Of Mass Destruction
      • Indiscriminate and banned by international law
      • Arguments for and against WMDs
        • Deterrent
        • Costly
        • kills innocent people
      • Religious views on WMDs
        • Christian
          • Jesus was the prince of peace
          • keep the peace as a deterrent
          • against
        • Jewish
          • if something will inflict harm on over 1/6 it is banned
          • against
          • As long as no intention of using them - deterrent
        • Women and children should be spared and no unnecessary damage
    • Peacemaking
      • Christians
        • equal in the eyes of God
        • seek forgiveness
      • Jews
        • Justice - the world is maintained by Justice, truth and Peace
        • Forgiveness is a step towards reconciliation
      • Justice is  each person getting what they deserve
      • Forgiveness is no longer being hurt by something
      • Reconciliation  is making peace
  • Just war
    • Chance of success
    • Declared by an elected authority
    • Last Resort
    • Good Reason
      • Self defence
      • Helping of innocents
    • Any harm must be less than it is preventing
    • Some christians accept Just war
      • Not morally right - not the worst option
      • War is the only way to find peace


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