
  • Created by: fayesxx
  • Created on: 12-01-21 11:50
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  • Villains
    • P1
      • “Tis not your whore’s milk that shall quench my wild-fire, But your whore’s blood!” - Ferdinand as the Id (Act 2 Scene 5)
      • “(He hurls a plate to the floor) That’s how I’ll clear the table!”- Stanley as the Id (scene 8)
    • P2
      • “A wolf’s skin was hairy on the outside, his on the inside” Act 5, sc 2 Animal imagery to suggest their behaviour is an instinct for them - link to how Bosola changes
      • “Animal joy in his being is implicit in all his movements with the power and pride of a richly feathered bird among hens”Scene 1


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