Othello Context

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  • Othello Context
    • Race
      • Black people were seen as exotic by the British but also dangerous due to the fact the England was predominetly white at the time
      • The term Moor was used broadly in the Jacobean era and meant somebody was black or Aisan
      • England's veiws of Moors were complex due to their anti-Catholic views and fear of Spain but Moors had previously conquered Spain
      • Inter racial marriges were ucommen and socially frowned upon and shocking so the audience watching Othello would be shocked at Othello and Destamona's relationship as a whole as well as the fact it was so loving
        • Women
          • For women chastity, obedience and faithfulness were expected which contradicts the presentation of Destamona causing the play to further shock the audience
          • Women lacked rights and were seen as inferior
            • Queen Mary's slaughter of protastents also created fear around women
    • Appearences
      • Looks were an important factor of the Jacobean audience as appearence was seen as a priority
      • Deformaties were considered to represent evil or the devil
      • Appearance vs Reality is seen within Othello through how trusting Iago looks when in reality he is the villan. This is also seen in Shakespeare's other work eg. Macbeth as the presentation of the witches represent how evil they are however this is not the case in Othello
      • The superstitous nature of the Jacobean society caused a further judgement based on appearences especially as James I came to the throne
    • Women
      • For women chastity, obedience and faithfulness were expected which contradicts the presentation of Destamona causing the play to further shock the audience
      • Women lacked rights and were seen as inferior
        • Queen Mary's slaughter of protastents also created fear around women
    • Literary Context
      • Cintheo
        • Based on his prose from 1565
        • Character's motives differ eg. Iago was originally rejected by Destemona
      • Seneca Model Tragedy
        • There would be a secret murderer, period of plotting by the antagonist, the protagonist will descend into madness, and erruption of violence then a catastrophe that kills the protagonist
      • Revenge Tragedy
        • Had themes of revenge, brutal behaviour, a corrupt society, religious hypocrisy, malcontent and promiscuous women
  • Revenge Tragedy
    • Had themes of revenge, brutal behaviour, a corrupt society, religious hypocrisy, malcontent and promiscuous women


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