USA Popular culture

  • Created by: zoe lena
  • Created on: 30-04-14 18:05
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  • USA- Popular Culture
    • Cars
      • Ownership went from 35 million - 60 million in 1945.
      • In 1970 90 million cars were on US roads
      • Highways act of 1956 meant 41,000 miles of motorways were constructed
      • McDonalds opened in 1955 and Disneyland opened due to popularity of cars
    • IT
      • The ownership of PCs increased in the 1990s due to Microsoft vs Apple competition
      • The internet revolutionised IT in the 1990s
      • Gaming and social networking became popular
    • Youth
      • Youth culture
        • Teens lived life to the full due to the fear of the Cold War.
        • Teenagers were influenced by people like James Dean and Elvis Presley
        • Teenagers had around $10-$15 of pocket money so more products were aimed at them
      • Youth counterculture
        • People 'dropped out' of society to be hippies
        • The hippies wanted peace and experimented with drugs
        • The use of illegal drugs and the pill increased.
        • Rap music developed.
    • The Student Movement
      • Universities
        • Students protested as they wanted a bigger say in their education
        • SDS, set up in 1959, played a key role in anti-war protests
      • Civil rights
        • In 1954 students protested for civil rights
        • Martin Luther King influenced young Americans
      • Vietnam War
        • Students were called up to fight
        • There were lots of anti-war protests
        • On 4th May 1970 4 people were killed and 11 injured by the police at Kent State University for protesting.
        • Casualties were at 14,000 in 1968
  • Cinema and TV
    • USA- Popular Culture
      • Cars
        • Ownership went from 35 million - 60 million in 1945.
        • In 1970 90 million cars were on US roads
        • Highways act of 1956 meant 41,000 miles of motorways were constructed
        • McDonalds opened in 1955 and Disneyland opened due to popularity of cars
      • IT
        • The ownership of PCs increased in the 1990s due to Microsoft vs Apple competition
        • The internet revolutionised IT in the 1990s
        • Gaming and social networking became popular
      • Youth
        • Youth culture
          • Teens lived life to the full due to the fear of the Cold War.
          • Teenagers were influenced by people like James Dean and Elvis Presley
          • Teenagers had around $10-$15 of pocket money so more products were aimed at them
        • Youth counterculture
          • People 'dropped out' of society to be hippies
          • The hippies wanted peace and experimented with drugs
          • The use of illegal drugs and the pill increased.
          • Rap music developed.
      • The Student Movement
        • Universities
          • Students protested as they wanted a bigger say in their education
          • SDS, set up in 1959, played a key role in anti-war protests
        • Civil rights
          • In 1954 students protested for civil rights
          • Martin Luther King influenced young Americans
        • Vietnam War
          • Students were called up to fight
          • There were lots of anti-war protests
          • On 4th May 1970 4 people were killed and 11 injured by the police at Kent State University for protesting.
          • Casualties were at 14,000 in 1968
    • Cinema
      • Popularity declined from 1946-1956 due to TVs
      • Drive- in cinemas were popular with teens
      • Rebellious symbols for teens like James Dean


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