Unit 2 - Section 12 - Transfer of data in ICT systems

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  • Transfer of data in ICT systems
    • What is an ICT network?
      • WAN: Wide Area Network
      • LAN: Local Area Network
      • MAN: Metropolitan Area Network
      • Networks are made up of many different computing devices
      • Advantages
        • Sharing of resources
        • Communication
    • Characteristics of a network
      • Peer-to-peer networks
      • Client-server network
    • Use of communication technologies
      • The internet
        • A large group of interconnected computers around the world that allow the sending and retrieval of information from one computer to another
      • The World Wide Web
        • A collection of multimedia resources accessible via the internet.
    • Standards
      • De facto standard
        • A standard that has become popular so is most commonly used.
      • De jure standard
        • Legally binding industry standards that all manufacturers have to agree to.
    • Protocols
      • A set of known rules that govern the communications between computers on a network
      • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
        • A protocol to manage the assembly and reassembly of data into packets transmitted between computers over the internet
      • Internet Protocol (IP)
        • A protocol which directs data from one computer to another.


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