Fascist Ideology

  • Created by: Olivia
  • Created on: 28-04-13 11:04
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  • Totalitarianism
    • Anti-communism
      • Extreme Nationalism
        • Militarism
          • Mussolini believed war drove forward history/ the force used by the Blackshirts in destroying opponents emphasised Mussolini's belief in strength
            • Ex-soldiers, nationalists
              • Huge army created/ children militarised through school/ aid to Franco in Spanish Civil War/ annexation of Albania
        • Want to return Italy to glory of Roman Empire- needed aggressive foreign policy/ racial superiority to justify massacres in Libya and Ethiopia
          • Nationalists, patriots, ex-soldiers
            • Militarism enforced nationalism/ conquest of Abyssinia
      • Communists were international- went against belief in Nationalism- Italian Socialists loyalty was to Russia not Italy/ Fascism believed in harmony between all classes rather than class conflict
        • Middle/ upper classes, elites, business/land owners
          • Fascist rise to power- socialists attacked/ Creation of One Party State
    • Individual freedom is dangerous- people could act against the interests of the State
      • Those influenced by/ scared of regime
        • Intolerance of Diversity- One Party State run by Il Duce (one dictator)
  • Heroic Leader
    • Totalitarianism
      • Anti-communism
        • Extreme Nationalism
          • Militarism
            • Mussolini believed war drove forward history/ the force used by the Blackshirts in destroying opponents emphasised Mussolini's belief in strength
              • Ex-soldiers, nationalists
                • Huge army created/ children militarised through school/ aid to Franco in Spanish Civil War/ annexation of Albania
          • Want to return Italy to glory of Roman Empire- needed aggressive foreign policy/ racial superiority to justify massacres in Libya and Ethiopia
            • Nationalists, patriots, ex-soldiers
              • Militarism enforced nationalism/ conquest of Abyssinia
        • Communists were international- went against belief in Nationalism- Italian Socialists loyalty was to Russia not Italy/ Fascism believed in harmony between all classes rather than class conflict
          • Middle/ upper classes, elites, business/land owners
            • Fascist rise to power- socialists attacked/ Creation of One Party State
      • Individual freedom is dangerous- people could act against the interests of the State
        • Those influenced by/ scared of regime
          • Intolerance of Diversity- One Party State run by Il Duce (one dictator)
    • Would transform nation- rather than a political manifesto, the leader would motivate the nation into action
      • Nationalists, patriots
        • Cult of Il Duce- propaganda used to spread cult
  • Corporatism
    • Alternative to capitalism and socialism- a 'Third Way'
      • Workers, employers
        • Developed 1925-29/ Ministry of Corporations created in 1926- headed by Mussolini/ Corporation ran by fascist officials
  • Developed 1925-29/ Ministry of Corporations created in 1926- headed by Mussolini/ Corporation ran by fascist officials




This is a really useful diagram for understanding the key features of fascist ideology and who they appealed to.

Laura Thompson


Some of the information is hidden, make sure we can see everything please

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