To what extent can evil be said to be simply a test?

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  • To what extent can evil be said to be simply a test?
    • Perhaps it's just a punishment we deserve for our inheritance of Adam's guilt (Augustine's theodicy)
    • Perhaps God can't use evil as a test, as He is part of creation and lacks total power (Process Theodicy)
    • Perhaps evil really exists so we can have free will- how can be truly human if we can't choose what moral acts we do?
    • Perhaps moral evil exists only because we abuse our free will?
    • In the story of Job, God allows Satan to test Job's faith
    • If someone wanted to be with you for eternity and be your friend, wouldn't you test them to check if they care or are actually self-centered?
    • How are young children, the comatose or the mentally disabled suitable for tests of faith?
    • Not all situations are tests of faith. Who exactly is being tested when a random person steps on a landmine, alone? Not all evil, then, is a test
    • Perhaps suffering is actually an opportunity to show and develop good qualities and virtues
    • What people say isn't always what they do
    • An omniscient God should already know what we would do- what's the point of testing us anyway?
    • 1 Peter 5:10
    • 1 Peter 1: 6-7
    • 2 Corinthians 12: 7-9
    • Testing may prepare us for the glory of God
    • Just as how you appreciate your qualifications more after particularly hard exams, you may revere God's goodness more after having been subjected to suffering
    • Isn't life full of tests? E.g. to be friendly to your enemies, to fight charity, to fight illness- what would life be without these challenges giving us direction?
    • What would be the point of God making us if He sent both the faithful and unfaithful to Heaven?
    • Eternal life isn't just handed on a platter!
    • There's far too much moral and natural evil in the world for a reasonable test
  • Testing may prepare us for the glory of God
  • Isn't life full of tests? E.g. to be friendly to your enemies, to fight charity, to fight illness- what would life be without these challenges giving us direction?


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