The Tempest Mindmap

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  • The Tempest
    • Themes
      • Illusion
      • Usurpation
      • Colonisation
      • Music
      • Reconciliation
        • Inverse of reconciliation and forgiveness - Christian teachings AO4.
          • Prospero seeks revenge, though is restrained in the end by Ariel, on Antonio and Alonso for his usurpation
            • Usurpation
          • Caliban plans a murderous revenge against Prospero but is discovered
          • Antonio and Sebastian seem to end the play although they seem to be bidding their time until they have the next opportunity to strike; without his magic, Prospero may be at a disadvantage as he cannot foresee their plots using Ariel, but it was the distraction of magic that led to his usurpation so may prove to be an effective Duke.
      • Family
      • Otherness
      • Betrayal
      • Revenge
        • Inverse of reconciliation and forgiveness - Christian teachings AO4.
          • Prospero seeks revenge, though is restrained in the end by Ariel, on Antonio and Alonso for his usurpation
            • Caliban plans a murderous revenge against Prospero but is discovered
            • Antonio and Sebastian seem to end the play although they seem to be bidding their time until they have the next opportunity to strike; without his magic, Prospero may be at a disadvantage as he cannot foresee their plots using Ariel, but it was the distraction of magic that led to his usurpation so may prove to be an effective Duke.
        • Love and Sex
        • Service
        • The Elements
          • Caliban is associated with the lowest element, earth. Alonso's party are forced to abandon the sea and return to land until they can return to the sea in the final act whilst Caliban most likely remains on land. Prospero and Ariel can control all elements together allowing them power of everyone in the play, as seen by summoning on the tempest in the first act and the slave Caliban.
            • Contemporary audiences would have been aware of the hierarchy of the four elements (water, fire, air and earth).
        • Hierarchy
      • Criticism
      • Plot
        • Characters
          • Miranda
          • Prospero
          • Caliban
          • Ariel
          • Juno
          • Ceres
          • Ferdinard
          • Alonso
          • Antonio
          • Sebastian
          • Stephano
          • Boatswain
          • Trinculo
          • Gonzalo
        • Act One
        • Act Two
        • Act Three
        • Act Four
        • Act Five
      • Context


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