The Synoptic Gospels

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  • The Synoptic Gospels - Christian View of the Son of God
    • Stronger than the Jewish view
      • Its not just symbolic
    • Different from the Pagan view
      • They don't believe God had sex with Mary to produce a demi-god son.
    • Tensions
      • Some Christians emplasize the divine quality in Jesus and present him as a supernatural being walking the earth.
        • Others emplasize the human quality, presenting him as the perfect embodiment of what all humans try to be.
      • Jesus tells his followers that they too are "children of God".
        • There is a debate about whether Jesus is the Son of God in a special, unique sense or if all humans who believe in God become his children.
          • Ths parallels the prologue of John.
    • Misnomer?
      • Jesus never calls himself "Son of God" in Marks gospel (not directly).
        • Various demons recognise Jesus as the Son of God and he doesn't deny the title - though he tells demons to be quiet about it.
          • At Jesus' baptism, a voice from heaven calls Jesus the Son of God and Jesus does not disagree.
      • In Matthew, the phrase "Son of God" is applied to Jesus by his disciples and Jesus praises them and does not deny it.
        • Matthew and Luke both begin with Jesus' miraculous birth where an angle reveals that Jesus is the "Son of God".
      • John's gospel contains the most references to Jesus being God’s son – and being the Johannine Jesus (Jesus as he appears in John's gospel) specifically talks about himself this way. 
        • Some scholars conclude that Jesus never referred to himself as the “Son of God”. 
          • However, his later followers did believe that Jesus was divine and so the later gospels have more references to this.
            • This means the idea of Jesus being the “Son of God” only formed after Jesus died.
      • However, even though Jesus may not call himself the “Son of God”, he still acts like he is. 
        • Jesus forgives sins (which only God can do )and he refers to God as father.
          • This suggests that Jesus thought of himself as God's son and taught his followers this.


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