The Missouri Compromise succeeded in minimising divisions between the North and the South between 1820-1850. How far do you agree?

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  • The Missouri compromise succeeded in minimising divisions between the North and the South between 1820 and 1850. How far do you agree?
    • Agree/For
      • Further compromises had to be made in 1832 and 1850 meaning it did not minimise tensions for long.
      • 'Fire bell in the night' - Thomas Jefferson, this suggests that many were wary of possible issues in the future.
      • Mexican war meant a huge amount of territory became available.
        • Debates between the Wilmot proviso and the Calhoun doctrine which called into question the measures put in place by the Missouri compromise
      • The North benefited much more than the South from the compromise. Manifest destiny meant that there would be more free than slave in the future.
    • Disagree/ Against
      • Avoided conflict in 1820
        • Equilibrium of free and slave states
      • Whigs and Democrats agreed to the terms
      • Gag rule supported the Missouri compromise as it kept anti-slavery petitions out of congress. Meaning it was not a pressing issue for a number of years. Aided in lessening tension.
      • 3 slave and 3 free states added to the union during this time period, kept equilibrium.


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