The MEAs 4 situations 

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  • The MEAs 4 situations
    • 1) Global orchestration
      • Part of the two development pathway idea
      • suggests that the world comes together to tackle biodiversity issues
      • a reactive approach to ecosystem problems (responding to problems after they have happened)
      • takes strong steps to reduce poverty and inequality and invests in public goods such as infrastructure and education
      • a globally connected society that focuses on global trade and economic liberalisation (lessening regulations)
      • Biodiversity would be looked at holistically treaty between countries would be put in place to tackle the issues
    • Background about the scenarios
      • these are potential scenarios that will pan out by 2050
      • MEA (the millennium ecosystem analysis)
      • they explored 2 major things
        • A two development pathway: where the world becomes more globalised and the world becomes more recognised (1&2)
        • Two different approaches to ecosystem management:one where the problems only get dressed when they are obvious and one where management is proactive and thinks for the future (3&4)
    • 2) Order from strength
      • a regionalised and fragmented world (the world is separated into its different areas (not globally connected)
      • world concerend with security and protection emphasises regional markets, pays little attention to public goods
      • takes a reactive approach ecosystem management
      • economic growth rates are lowest in this scenario (particularly in developing countries)and they decrease with time, whilst population growth is at its highest (a world of poverty)
      • the richer the country the more chance they will have to help conquer biodiversity issues
    • 3) Adapting mosaic
      • part of the approaches to management idea
      • problems only get managed when they are obvious
      • regional watershed-scales ecosystems are the focus of political and economic activity
      • local institutions are strengthened and local ecosystem management strategies are common;societies develop a proactive approachto the management of ecosystems (eliminate problems before they appear)
      • economic growth rates are low initially (spend money to combat the problems) but increase in time (problems are eliminated so money can stop being spent on them)
      • population is high
    • 4) Techno - garden
      • part of the approaches to management idea  where they think for the future
      • a globally connected world relying on environmentally sound technology and using highly managed often engineered ecosystems to deliver services
      • take a proactive approach to managment of ecosystems (think of the future
      • economic growth is relatively high and accelerates while population in average


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