Could anyone have stopped world war on

  • Created by: Hemdev
  • Created on: 17-02-16 15:20
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  • The Great War - WW1
    • Could ANYONE have stopped World War One
      • Role of ordinary people
        • The people were really excited for war because Britain was used to winning war so people were so happy when the war was about to start.
          • Also people were persuaded by the propaganda done by the media and the government made the people feel ashamed by saying if you don't to the war, then what will you tell your kids when the ask you about the WW1.
            • Some people were really nationalist and made other people to help the country
      • Role of the media
        • The daily mail in 1909 said that Germany threatens to destroy the British Empire. they want war domination and they are very well prepare
          • The media made the people feel more into the war so it made many people join the war.
      • Role of the Government and the military alliances
        • The German Empire was one of the central power of the lost war.It began participation with the conflict after the declaration of war against Serbia by its ally, Austria-Hungary. German forces fought the allies on both the eastern and western fronts: although German territory itself remained relatively safe from widespread invasion for most of the war.
          • The kingdom of Italy refused to join them when the war started in August 1914. In fact, Germany and Austria-Hungary had taken the offensive while the Triple Alliance was supposed to be a defensive alliance. Instead in May 1915, almost after secret negotiation with France and Britain in which Italy negotiated for territory if victorious, Italy entered the war on the side of the allies.
            • France was one of the Triple Entente powers allied against the central power. Specific operational, tactical and strategic decisions by the high commands on both sides of the conflict led to shifts in organizational capacity, as the French Arm tried to respond to day-to-day fighting and long-term strategic and operational agendas. In particular, many problems caused the French high command to re-evaluate standard procedures, revise its command structures, re-equip the army and develop different tactical approaches.
      • What was life like
        • Before the war, many women were still struggling for the right to vote and the only widely available employment for women was the service industry, and this itself was limited as many stately homes were becoming less extravagant to save costs. After the war however, women could vote and there was a wide variety of jobs available for women. They also gained more respect from men in the workplace because during the war they had to do jobs that the men usually did.
          • If a man did not join the war, he was considered cowardly. The rich men didn't have to become soldiers until the very end of the war. Most of the soldiers in WW1 were poor because many poor men had either no job or a job that were paid very little. It wasn't only the men in the families that wanted to help - 14 year old boys would join to provide for their family.
            • Children lives were very hard and tough during WW1 because whilst their fathers and brothers went away to war, they had to stay at home and help their mothers. Some children went to work in ammunition factories, bakeries or grocery stores. They also had to work on the farms because the men were away and so the farm work became the children's responsibility.  The children who only had fathers had to go and live with other family members but if there was nobody to take them, they had to live in an orphanage.




No one could, there are too many people interested in wars

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