The failure to reach a negotiated settlement

  • Created by: Tori
  • Created on: 12-04-20 11:46
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  • The Failure to reach a Negotiated Settlement 1646-49
    • Even though Charles had surrendered to the Scots, he was not prepared to negotiate seriously.
      • The divisions between parliament's military forces. the Scots and the New Model Army was reflected in Parliament.
        • The majority of MP's, the Political Presbyterians, had close ties with the Scottish military leaders, while the Political Independants were linked to MPs who were also New Model Army officers.
    • The Newcastle Propositions, 1646
      • The Political Presbyterians (Scots side) sought a compromise with the Newcastle Propositions (New Model Army side)
        • Included;
          • Abolish the office of bishop in the Anglican Church.
          • Strict anti-Catholic laws were to be enforced.
          • Parliament was to take control of the armed forces for 20 years.
        • Negotiations were broken down by the end of 1646.
          • In January 1647 the Scots handed the king over to parliament.
    • The Heads of Proposals, 1647
      • The Political Presbyterians considered disbanding the New Model Army without paying arrears of pay.
        • This suggestion caused the army to become politicised.
          • Developed into a third factor in negotiations for a settlement.
            • In June the army gained custody of the king, and presented their own proposals to him.
      • The heads of Proposals was way more moderate than the Newcastle Propositions.
        • Suggested that the army wanted to establish a lasting and stable settlement.
          • Main concern was to strengthen the power of parliament:
            • Parliament would meet every two years.
            • Constituencies were to be reorganised to reflect population size and local wealth.
            • Anglican bishops were to remain.
      • While Charles was considering these proposals he was also engaged in secret discussions with the Scots.
        • He signed an agreement with the Scots in December 1647.
          • Promised to impose Presbyterianism in England for 3 years in exchange for a Scottish army.
    • The Second Civil War, 1648
      • The war was short but fiercely contested by both sides.
        • Fairfax put down royalist risings in the South of England.
        • In August Cromwell destroyed the Scottish army at the battle of Preston.
      • In the aftermath, the army leadership publishes the Remonstrance
        • Declared that the King was guilty of high treason for starting the 2nd Civil War and should be put on trial.
        • When parliament voted to continue negotiations with the king, troops arrested 45 MPs and excluded a further 186 from the Commons.
          • This event was known as the Pride's Purge.
    • The trial and execution of Chalres I, 1649
      • January 1649, Chalres was tried by 135 Commissioners.
        • He refused to accept that any court had the power to place a divinely appointed monarch on trial, and would not answer the charges made against him.
        • The court found him guilty of all charges, and sentenced him to death.
          • He was executed on 30th January 1649.


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