The Design Mix

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  • The Design Mix
    • Aesthetics
      • Aesthetics is the way that something looks, feels and tastes.
      • An item such as designer shoes would have to specifically focus on the aesthetics of their products.
      • Aesthetically pleasing products will help to attract a wider audience
      • Customers enjoy looking at products which look nice, therefore focusing on aesthetics will draw customers towards your products.
    • Function
      • Function is the way the product is made and how it is fit to purpose and full fills consumer needs.
      • If a product is fit for purpose it is easier to attract customers who may be interested
        • Must be fit for purpose for consumer to trust product and consider buying it
      • An item such as a parachute would need to primarily focus on its function as it is vital to ensure its safe.
      • Ergonomics
        • Ergonomics is the study of a persons efficiency in a certain environment
        • If a product is ergonomically designed and fit to purpose it will attract more consumers.
          • Consumers are more likely to be interested in products which are ergonomically designed as it will help to full fill their needs.
      • Usability, safety, reliability and functionality
        • Untitled
    • Cost
      • How little the business can make its products for whilst retaining the quality
      • A smartphone company such as apple would have to take this in consideration to gain a competitive advantage
        • To make the highest amount of profits the company would need to produce its products for as little as possible whilst retaining quality
      • If costs are low then profits will be high, leading to gaining a competitive advantage over competitors
    • Consider Aesthetics, Cost and Function to gain a competitive advantage
      • Aesthetics
        • Aesthetics is the way that something looks, feels and tastes.
        • An item such as designer shoes would have to specifically focus on the aesthetics of their products.
        • Aesthetically pleasing products will help to attract a wider audience
        • Customers enjoy looking at products which look nice, therefore focusing on aesthetics will draw customers towards your products.
      • Function
        • Function is the way the product is made and how it is fit to purpose and full fills consumer needs.
        • If a product is fit for purpose it is easier to attract customers who may be interested
          • Must be fit for purpose for consumer to trust product and consider buying it
        • An item such as a parachute would need to primarily focus on its function as it is vital to ensure its safe.
        • Ergonomics
          • Ergonomics is the study of a persons efficiency in a certain environment
          • If a product is ergonomically designed and fit to purpose it will attract more consumers.
            • Consumers are more likely to be interested in products which are ergonomically designed as it will help to full fill their needs.
        • Usability, safety, reliability and functionality
          • Untitled
      • A competitive advantage is where you gain advantage over competitors in the market


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