Evaluation of Psychological Explanations of SZ

  • Created by: ces
  • Created on: 11-01-16 19:48
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  • The Cognitive Theory
    • Evaluation of the Cognitive Explanation
      • Practical Applications for Treatments
        • We can use practical treatments such as CBT to try and relieve people from their symptoms. This is very helpful for people who do not respond well to medication or are non-compliant
      • Gives patients a feeling of control over their symptoms
        • Unlike deterministic approaches such as the Biological Approach, The Cognitive Approach is more holistic and encourages people not to become passive recipients of care. Can give people more hope and can potentially teach them to think their way out of a hallucination
      • Supported by empirical evidence, giving it scientific credibility
        • .i.e. McGuigan was able to test the activity of the larynx of patients whilst they were experiencing auditory hallucinations
      • Limited in it's ability to explain why these things happen
        • The Cognitive Approach is best used in conjunction with the Biological Approach, which is better at explaining why things are happening. i.e. people may struggle with attribution bias because of an excess of dopamine in the brain.
          • If you accept that there is a Biological basis to SZ you can combine that with the cognitive approach to be more holistic
    • Supporting Research
      • Hemsley
        • Found that SZic's are unable to predict what will happen, have short attention span, attend to unimportant or irrelevant information about the environment and have disorganized behavior and thoughts
      • Johns et al
        • Participants read alone, some hearing their own voices, others their own voice but distorted and others an alien voice. SZic's are more likely to think their own voice distorted is an alien voice when compared to a control group. Concluding; SZic's have impaired self monitoring
      • McGuigan
        • Found the larynx of patients with SZ was often active during an auditory hallucination, suggesting that they mistook their own speech for the voice of someone else


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