
  • Created by: Anna
  • Created on: 09-03-15 11:55
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  • Schizophrenia
    • Clinical Characteristics
      • Positive
        • Hallucinations
        • Distorted thinking
      • Negative
        • Emotionless
        • Apathetic
        • Withdraw Socially
    • Issuse < Classification
      • Validity
        • Differentiating SZ
          • Jackson & Birchwood- early diagnosis & prompt treatment is~< better long term outcome
        • Cultural Relativism
          • Davison & Neale
          • Keith- 2.1% black americans diagnosed < SZ but only 1% of white pop
      • Reliability
    • Biological Explanation
      • Genetics
        • Genetic predisposition
          • DRD2 & 2A Serotonin Receptor
        • Evaluation
          • Concordance Rates not 100%
            • Gottesman -   concordance     rate for     MZ-50%   DZ-17%   GenPop-1%
          • Small sample size- MZ twins rare & only 1% of them may have SZ
          • Diff to separate genetic& environmental- they share same environment
          • Tienari
      • Dopamine Hypothesis
        • SZ result of ^dopamine
          • caused by: excess release of dopamine, excess of dopamine receptors, over sensitivity of dopamine receptors
        • key role in guiding attention - imbalance can lead to probs< attention and perception
          • Imbalance in dopamine level could be inherited
        • Evaluation
          • Dopamine antagonists can reduce symptoms
          • Seeman
          • post mortem carried out on ppl who have taken antipsychotics for years /\diff to tell if ^ dopamine caused by drugs or SZ
          • Correlation - cause and effect. SZ-> ^dopamine or ^ dopamine-> SZ
        • Conclusion
          • Genetics
            • Genetic predisposition
              • DRD2 & 2A Serotonin Receptor
            • Evaluation
              • Concordance Rates not 100%
                • Gottesman -   concordance     rate for     MZ-50%   DZ-17%   GenPop-1%
              • Small sample size- MZ twins rare & only 1% of them may have SZ
              • Diff to separate genetic& environmental- they share same environment
              • Tienari
          • Cause due to interaction b/w bio & environmental factors
            • Diathesis Stress Model links genetic predisposition to SZ < life events
            • Genetic vulnerability leads to biochemical abnormality
              • Dopamine system
              • Disrupted family comm. could trigger development of SZ
                • Cause due to interaction b/w bio & environmental factors
                  • Diathesis Stress Model links genetic predisposition to SZ < life events
                  • Genetic vulnerability leads to biochemical abnormality
                    • Dopamine system
                    • Disrupted family comm. could trigger development of SZ
      • Psychological Explanations
        • Family System
          • Double Blind
            • SZ result of being caught in double blind situation
            • Individual repeatedly recieves 2/more conflicting messages
              • Person auto wrong regardless of answer
            • Untitled
            • Untitled
          • Expressed Emotion
            • Untitled
            • Untitled
            • Untitled
            • Untitled
        • Cognitive Approaches


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