
  • Created by: Anon
  • Created on: 17-03-15 17:12
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  • Synthesis
    • C6H6
      • Halogenation of benzene
        • C6H6 + Br2-> C6H5Br + HBr
        • Needs a halogen carrier such as AlCl3
      • Nitration of benzene
        • Less than 50 degrees, concentrated H2SO4
        • C6H6 + HNO3 --> C6H5NO2 + H2O
        • Synthesis of aromatic amines
          • Tin/ concentrated HCl
          • C6H5NO2 + 6[H] ---> C6H5NH2 + H2O
          • Synthesis of an azo dye
            • 1. C6H5NH2 + HNO2 + HCl ---> C6H5N2+Cl- + 2H2O
              • Less than 10 degrees
              • MAKING NITROUS ACID: NaNO2 + HCl ---> HNO2 + NaCl
            • 2. C6H5N2+Cl- + C6H5OH + C6H5N2C6H5OH
              • Alkaline conditions
    • C6H5OH
      • Halogenation of phenol
        • C6H5OH + 3Br2 ---> C6H3Br3 + 3HBr
        • White precipitate forms
      • Esterification
        • Concentrated H2SO4
        • C6H5OH + CH3CH2COOH ----> CH2CH2COOC6H5
    • CH3CH2OH
      • Oxidation of a primary alcohol
        • Distil off as product forms, H+/Cr2O7 2-
        • CH3CH2OH + [O] ---> CH3COH + H2O
        • Reduction of an aldehyde
          • NaBH4 is the reducing agent
          • CH3CHO + 2[H] ---> CH3CH2OH


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