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  • Labour / prison camps
  • Instrumental in meeting the industrial and agricultural production targets
  • Institutions of punishment
  • Long working hours
  • 14 hours per day
  • High mortality rates
  • Food rations
  • Highly repressive tool
  • Effective way of disposing those who posed a threat
  • To stamp out opposition
  • Warning message
  • NKVD
  • To combat opposition
  • Created a permanent structure of terror
  • Crucial in imposing purges
  • Administered the Gulags
  • 40m + were sent to these camps in the Stalinist era
  • Stalin suspected the NKVD of conspiracy
  • By WW2, NKVD had been purged of 20,000 members
  • Red Army
  • Used for grain requisitioning
  • As a part of Collectivisation
  • Helped to impose purges
  • Key role in the Great Terror
  • Military leadership
  • Great Purge 1936-38
  • By the end, 40% had been removed
  • Not as effective
  • AIMS
  • To eliminate opposition
  • Using force to consolidate Stalin's power
  • Strengthen government authority
  • Tantamount to terrorising the population
  • Highly effective


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