AO2: Stages in the Civil Rights Movement

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  • AO2: Stages in the Civil Rights Movement
    • 1) Drawing attention using social proof
      • Seperate black and white neighbour-hoods, schools and restaurants
      • Black separation applying to all parts of America
      • Civil rights marches drew attention to the problem by providing this social proof
    • 2) Consistency
      • Lots of marches with lots of people taking part
      • Even though they were the minority, activists displayed consistency of message and intent
    • 3) Deeper processing
      • The attention gained made the majority question the un-justness of the situation
    • 4) The augmentation principle
      • There were some incidents where people risked their lives for the cause
      • 'Freedom riders' got onto busses in the southern states to challenge the fact black people had to sit seperately
      • Freedom riders were beaten
      • There were incidents of mob violence
    • 5) The Snowball effect
      • Civil rights activists e.g. Martin Luther King continued to campaign until it got the attention of the government
      • in 1964, the US Civil Rights Act was passed
      • This represented a change from minority to majority support for civil rights
    • 6) Social cryptomnesia
      • Where people have a memory of change, but don't remember how it happened
      • Social change did happen and the southern states is very different
      • Some people have no memory of the events that caused it to change


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